
Climate Change and its impact on Bangladesh


Global climate change is one of the most discussing and pressing issue at this moment across the whole world. Bangladesh is facing new kind of problem for several years. Due to the effects of climate change, our environment is now on the threat of a new type of pollution. As the country is one of the worst affected by the effects of climate change.
Climate Change and its impact
The geographical factors contributing to climate change in Bangladesh are its flat, low-land and delta-exposed topography and the socio-economic factors are its high population density, poverty levels and dependence on agriculture. Bangladesh ranks seventh in the list of countries which is the most affected by climate calamities during the period of 1999-2018.

There are so many effects of climate change in daily life of the people of Bangladesh. such as agriculture, sea level, forests, ecosystem, regional weather, health, and economics.

Causes of Climate Change

In recent years there have been many terrifying reports providing strong evidence that world temperature are gradually rising day by day. Climate change means global warming of the air surrounding the earth as a result of heat being trapped by environmental pollution. Green house effect is the most likely cause of this global warming.

There are many causes of green house effect. Carbon dioxide gas, produced by the burning of fossil fuels and forests and pollutants such as methane and CFCs also cause green house effect. Day by day people are clearing forests to make roads and houses.

As a result, the temperature of the earth is increasing. Which is another causes of climate change. Also, human mixing different types of harmful gases in the air that's why climates are change day by day.

Impacts of climate change

The impacts of climate change are too numerous to be described. Its effect is very devastating, destructive and dangerous for the existence of Bangladesh, it's people, animals, birds and plants. Global climate change affects our agriculture, ecosystem, forests, sea level, health, economics and livelihoods of our people.


Change in temperature may lead to change in the length of growing seasons or the rates of photosynthesis by plants. Such changes could lead to decrease in crop yield. Impacts of climate change include erratic rainfall, salinity intrusion, rise of floods, cyclones, storms and droughts, melting of ice sheets which will affect the agriculture and livelihoods, especially of the poor section of society in Bangladesh.
Impacts of climate change in Agriculture

Rise of sea level

Climate change  in Bangladesh will have significant impacts on the global temperature such as increasing in temperature, change in weather pattern and Rising of sea level.  The main reason is that sea level is expected to rise by 95 cm within the year. Rising temperature could flood coastal areas and farmland. Because of rising sea level, one day the lower southern part of our country may go under water.
Rise of sea level
As the sea invades the mouths of rivers, flooding from runoff will also increase upstream. The rich countries will spend huge amounts of money to protect their shorelines, while the poor countries like Bangladesh may simply evacuate low-lying coastal regions.

Water crisis

Increases in temperature and decrease in precipitation result in increased pressure from the common people on the ground water supply. We need water for personal use, industrial usage, and agriculture.

Weather pattern

A warmed atmosphere always leads to more storms, cyclones and more extreme weather events due to the increased amount of energy present in the system.  As a third world country, Bangladesh may be a victim of this situation.

Animals, birds and forests

Bangladesh's animals, birds and forests will find it difficult to escape or adapt to warming because humans occupy so much land. Under climate change and global warming, some birds, and animals tend to migrate towards the poles and mountain slopes towards higher altitudes. Some types of forests like the sundarbans may disappear.


In a warmer world, scientists have revealed that more people get sick or die from heat stress. Tropical diseases including dengue fever, yellow fever and increasing incidence of encephalitis, allergies and other respiratory diseases as warmer air grows more changed with pollutants can spread in our country.


Bangladesh is still a member of the least developed countries (LDCs). it's economy is growing day by day. Our ultimate challenge is to feed a growing population. We see that the livelihoods of the southern parts of Bangladesh are going to be threatened. Tidal waves often submerge the agricultural lands and their habitats.

This loss impacts on our economy although Bangladesh is not responsible for such climate change. Many people become refuges and settle themselves in the carbon areas. As a result, the cities are experiencing the burden with over population.

What are the solutions to climate change

An effective response to climate change challenges required striking a balance between mitigation and adaptation. Necessary steps should be taken to save Bangladesh and it's people from climate change. People should be encouraged to plant more trees instead of cutting trees arbitrarily.

It is man's responsibility to prevent environmental degradation.   Environment should be kept clean and safe from all types of pollution to make our life healthy, comfortable and safe. Mills factories and brick-fields should be set up in a planned manner. Vehicles should be controlled so that they do not create deafening noise and emit black smoke.

At the same time, the use of non-renewable energy should be reduced and dependence on renewable energy should be increased. Short distance roads should be covered on foot or bicycle in place of kerosene or gas powered vehicles.


For our survival, we have to add a strong voice to international advocacy for emission and control of greenhouse gases. The green gases cause global warming by damaging the ozone layer. What happens to Bangladesh today will happen to the rest of the world tomorrow. In fact, impacts of climate change in Bangladesh are disastrous. So, measures should be taken to prevent its onslaught every year for a safe and prosperous economy of the country.

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